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How WorkSmart Makes Channel Sales Easier

Most people don’t equate content collaboration with making money. But if your product relies on resellers or affiliate partners, knowledge transfer is absolutely essential. Collaborating Across Oceans When I headed up APAC sales at LiveOffice, I was the main point of contact for nearly 50 partners.

They were spread out across multiple companies, in multiple offices, in multiple time zones. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep. As the go-to person for these partners like Symantec and Websense, I often found myself answering the same questions again and again. I also had to repeatedly dig through the files on my computer to supply partners with the appropriate data sheets or security documents. I was losing valuable time that could have been spent interacting directly with their prospective clients.

The Value in Partner-Specific Workspaces:

That’s where WorkSmart comes in. Had I been using WorkSmart at the time, I could have set up individual WorkSpaces for each partner I was working with. WorkSmart allows for real-time one-to-one and one-to-many collaboration. Within each WorkSpace, you can upload documents (allowing for version control), share files easily, construct a Wiki for FAQs and collaborate securely without having to add partners to your Active Directory. WorkSmart basically gives you an out-of-the-box Partner Portal. Saving Time, Making Money Time is money. For many technology companies, channel partners are their biggest source of revenue. But channel partners can also be the biggest source of headaches if not managed properly. Empower and educate your channel partners using WorkSmart, and you’ll be able to spend more time doing the thing that matters most: engaging with clients.

Get more done with WorkSmart.

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